Get to know Meg!

I'm a business and breakthrough coach, Trauma Slayer and Creative who doesn't screw around when it comes to holding you accountable to actualize the life you came here to live.

My friends call me “Magical Meg,” I manifest clarity and vision like nobody’s business, but really, I’m a no bull $h*t accountability coach who will motivate the living rainbows out of you!

People have always related to me as a leader…

I'm the one who takes action within my family, conflict resolution comes easy. I forge forward with wanderlust, take risks to fulfill what guides my soul. I color outside the lines, on purpose, and in doing so, allow for a whole new view that would never have been available otherwise.

Many times I break the rules that society has defined as "accepted" or "normal," and set new standards. It’s who I am.

Years ago I tried to help someone I love, and it ended in major upset. I was dis-owned for a time. No one involved knew what to do to heal the experience. I was furious, embarrassed, and felt like I failed. No one blamed me like I did. Fast forward a couple years, where I ended an 8-year relationship with who I thought was my “person.” From the outside things looked shiny. We had a beautiful home, traveled and entertained regularly, and had many things that people only dream about.

Through the separation, I lost almost every friend I had. I was prepared to end my relationship, but not to lose my entire life as I knew it. My partner, my home, and my job were all gone at the same time. A couple of months after that, my best friend and I had a blow-up and we stopped talking unexpectedly.

Maybe you can relate? Maybe you’ve had someone special fall out of your life and you painfully felt that devastation for some time. Or maybe you dealt with a dark issue and as you thought back about it, realized it may have related to something earlier in life but you couldn't really make the connection.

What was once experienced as life being “on point,” efficient, and creating MAD results, seemed to fizzle into a failed experiment that fell short of what I knew I was here to experience.

I felt like I’d lost it ALL and was at ground zero. It was a dark and anxious place. Waking up every morning wondering what the heck I was going to do. The wanderlust was gone. Motivation was non-existent. Healing was needed.

This took longer than expected (years!), it broke me open to the most raw version of myself but it allowed me to come out the other side in a way I had no idea would be provided in this lifetime. For six months straight I said yes to any invitation I received, I saw the Grand Canyon for the first time which brought me to tears, I took a trip to Sedona that had been on my list for years, and I met people who allowed me to see and accept myself for who I truly am and more importantly for who God always meant me to be.

My old life was gone, but a new one emerged. It was like the rose-colored glasses of the past were swiped off and I was seeing the world through the lens of a young child (my inner child) who experienced everything newly.

The road getting back to ME

Have you ever noticed life is like that? We’re taught things that are passed down by generations of beliefs and values from our ancestors, that we may or may not really resonate with but our psyche goes to by default. Through it all, our soul experiences trauma, and muddy waters that we’re forced to wade through in order to get to the clarity our soul searches for, which is why we were put here on this earth.

Our work together has nothing to do with that view through the rose colored glasses, it has everything to do with what's been hidden underneath that obscure view that you haven't quite been able to see. It’s four levels underneath your consciousness, waiting to be excavated. It might be trauma, ancestral beliefs that aren’t yours or maybe you just haven't been willing or ready to tackle this within yourself until now.

If you landed here to settle this once and for all, it’s no mistake, no coincidence. Believe it or not, nothing in this world is! The rose-colored glasses will always be there if you want to put them on, but when you come to my table, prepare yourself for brutal honesty, from me AND from you. Get ready to unlock your quantum potential and go back for your Inner Child.

I promise it'll be worth it.

Fun Facts about Meg!

Love for Gardening

My grandmother taught me to can foods and cook a ton of amazing things, as well as grow things like rhubarb. Doesn't matter if it's sweet or savory, the fruit is so seasonal that if I find it on a menu, I have to order it! Getting my hands dirty and into the soil of Mother Earth really provides grounding for me!


Yoga and stretching have allowed me a connection to Spirit and my Higher Self like nothing else has, except maybe meditation. During a bad break-up I did yoga every day for 4 months and it really helped me get through the most rough broken heart I'd ever experienced! Needless to say that made me a subscriber for life!

Air Shows

An unexpected fun fact is that I really love air shows. My husband is a fighter pilot and that's pretty ironic given half of my life, one of my deal breakers was not dating military men! Never had anything against them, but living in a Military town (San Diego) I knew myself and knew all the time away and inability to know things like where he might be in the world because of National Security would likely not work for an accountability coach like me. God had other plans though and last year when I least expected it, I met him. And the rest is history, "Fly Navy"!


For just short of a decade now, I’ve been practicing meditation and wow have I come a long way. I cannot live without it! I value that time everyday and I get messages from the Divine during that time that allow me to contribute to myself, my life and the lives of my clients! Yes I get specific messages on the "morning of," when in meditation for any Quantum Healing sessions that I'm scheduled to do that day. It's a very special and intimate time for me that I could not give up for anything.